Now I Know

Less than a week n then yes here we go 2013! :))
2012 was very rough, hectic yet really fascinating year for me. Days may passed by but memories will last forever.
But 2012 gave me lots of life lessons, I learnt a lot of new things this year and I'd like to share it all :)

This month we celebrated our school 30th anniversary! It called DILIPAT 30 !(Checkout my post about this) . I love this moment, me and my team work, MPK-OSIS 2011/2011 were worked really hard to held this event. DILIPAT30 indirectly taught me about people characteristic. I started to know which one's good & which isn't good here.
Let's just call April as a brokenhearted month, shall we?

May is my month! I'm officially 16 yay!
But the joy of being sixteen wasn't lasted for a long time, six days later....the person whom I loved so much was no longer here with me. God loves her much more than me, I know it. You may not here anymore but I know you are in the most beautiful place there, Grandma. Someday we'll meet again don't we? I can't wait that day, I miss you really bad :(
May taught me about loss and toughness. I found that the worst thing about losing someone/something you really love is : when you realized that it'll never comes back to you.

Had the most unforgettable vacation ever with my schoolmates. A week with them is a jolly week lol. How I miss that moment....

Anyway, what I learnt from this trip is about Friendship. I finally knew who's temporary mate and who's always-there-for-me mate.

Hello, new highschoolers! 
In July, there was an orieantation days for 1st grade students. I'm one of the crew of this orientation day beacuse Orientation day listed as MPK-OSIS annual program. This one counted as an unforgettable event for me. I never seem to forget those 3 days. There were laughters but there were tears, too. I realized that I'm so into them, I love them to the fullest.

"Let's go to da beach, beach. Let's go get awaaay"

Taking a break from your daily routine is really important to restore, recharge and refresh your mind, body and spirit :)

Held at Hall A Basketball Senayan, 54 Festival was very rawk! 
It was the first time I get involved in such a very huge event like that. One of never-to-be-forgotten highschool memories :)

Oh how I hate October! A remorseful month..........ever. 
Come back really soon puhlease? I swear I won't miss your next show again :'''''''''(

For some people, November is kind of lovely month maybe. I noticed that there were so many new couples around. I'm happy for all of you then, but well for me November was very very rough month to go. I had to decided about my future steps. I spent my day with brainstorming in front of my laptop ughhhhhhhh exhausted but I really need to decide. Thank God I finally found my future destination, Alhamdulillah :) I wish all of my plans will be done very well next year!

Okay this is the end of my journey this December I gained many experiences that taught me to not to be so stubborn and childish. Self-introspection, eliminate all of my bad sides and be a normal human being. Huge thanks for people who make me realized it :)

I'm beyond ready for 2013! 


Aside struggling with her last year of university, she involved in several non-academics activities including non-profit organization, freelance web-editor and french course. She's still travelling, and wishes to travel more

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