Let's get away to Bali, shall we?

Finals' finally oveeerr!
Almost two weeks we struggled thru final exams then we thought these minds deserve a vacation🔆
And so we did.

The idea of going to Bali was first planned by Hilal then he asked me and I ask the other and so on and so on till finally five of us- Me, Anggi, Ditya, Nury and Wikan agreed to join him.

January 14th, we hop on morning train, after a hectic dawn of the girls, whom in charge of making breakfast and lunch for us six since the ride took almost 13 hours long. I never had a train ride that long, long enough for you to watch movies even take a very profound and adequate nap (that leads to pain in your back)

The only decent picture that comes out from our ~train selfie~

After the feels-like-forever train ride, we need to make a crossing by ferry then ride a bus to reach Ubung Bus Station  where our rented car awaits. 
But we can't directly checking in to the hotel as the check-in time is 2 p.m /sigh/ so we headed to our first destination: Uluwatu Temple.
The temple is far down in the south from Ubung Bus Station, around 30 km away.

 Look at how empty the parking lot was,  probably we were the first visitor in this early morning

We went to Blue Point beach afterwards.

That clear blue sea revealing what's beneath

Blue Pount Beach is a hot surfing spot, tough the beach is rather small but lots of tourist and surfers comin over.

Finally the clock's almost ticking to two and we immediately rush to the hotel...we were completely fatigued and craved for a proper rest!

We stayed at The Hill Ungasan. It's a hostel and very worth the price. Unfortunately I forgot to capture a photo of our room but here I only snap the hostel pool:

On evening we went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana as Hilal wish, to witness Tari Kecak.
Outfit of The Evening?

Those faces =))

The day after, we went up to Kintamani and had lunch there. We had very good dishes with fascinating scenery of Mount Batur🗻

We planned to visit Ulun Danu Temple after lunch but after we went all the way, it wasn't the temple that we meant. We arrived in Hulun Danu Temple instead. So sad. Even had a little quarrel between us when deciding the direction to Ulun Danu Temple.
We ended that day by sunset-ing at the most common beach, Kuta.

The third day were assigned for shopping day

Last day in Bali was spent in Bali Bird Park and Tegalalang Rice Terrace.

It's a bright sunny day outside!


Aside struggling with her last year of university, she involved in several non-academics activities including non-profit organization, freelance web-editor and french course. She's still travelling, and wishes to travel more

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