Hello! Just so you know, I submitted myself to http://keralablogexpress.com/ few days ago just for fun. But surprise! My friend Tya told m...

kalo diitung2 ternyata udah hampir 5 bulan ya saya berada di Yogyakarta. Well, udah dapet aja Nas selama 4 bulan itu? Ah, I got alot of t...
I flew away A s light as cirrus A s free as pigeons Dauntless and unrestrained But hey, where am I headed to ? I discover a ...

So yesterday me and a friend of mine, Fuad were having a short-trip 'round Jogja. Well...actually at first we planned to attend National...
Somehow I’m in a mood to write a post describing my schoolmates…gatau kenapa kayak lg kangen mereka gitu (gausah pada kegeeran) langsyung...
Hi, you. I gotta go, this sunday Ah, you don't even want to know right? Yasudahlah, I just want you to know *maksa* Hehe 3 tahun di...

Went shopping wit mummy yesterday, and casually noticed that D-I-Y necklace is now much mushrooming than before. I said "Mum I want on...
Nothing can beats the feeling when your biggest dream is really happening.Yes, that feeling of victory. That feeling when all of your str...

Bonjour, comment allez-vous? (read : Bongzyu, kommong talle vu?) French is such an interesting language for me bcs its unique accent. I c...
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