A one-day trip to Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park

Yeaaaa so this is the 2nd time I visited Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park, but this was the first time I went there with my buddies :D. So happy! I always love Mountain. The scenery, the weather....LOVE IT!
We went there by bus & arrived after approximately 3 hours long. Then we took rest awhile. Oh I forgot to tell you that this trip was actually held by Pasma, one of extracurriculars at school .
Ok lets continue. We are all grouped into three. My partners are Dita and Gamaria. And after that...let the Mini Race began!!
In Mini Race, each group must passed each post which already set up by Pasma. The group that passed all the post quickly will win the grandprizes..........Blackberry Bellagio!!!!!!!! Yes, the winner will win Blackberry Bellagio. Each member of the winner's group will get this! Don't you guys excited???
Me, dita and gamar tried our best to passed all the post quickly & hurriedly but yeah we couldn't beat the first group and so....we weren't the winner huuuuuuuuuu
Well, overall I felt exhausted yet so happy =)). Thank you for this one day trip, Pasma!



.:: All photos above are taken by @ditasadya. Except this one below, it was taken by me :D ::.


Inas Nadiya


Aside struggling with her last year of university, she involved in several non-academics activities including non-profit organization, freelance web-editor and french course. She's still travelling, and wishes to travel more

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