Words that exactly describes today is : Weird Yep, today is weird. Started when I got up in the morning. It was a horrible morning. Why? be...

#proudofbeingIndonesian ya, beginilah jadinya kalau chat dengan orang-orang yang salah... : @#$%(&^%$#

Give shouts to the most adorable one, Rani Avianti who has turned to 17 now! <:•D . Happier & prettier, Ce! « з Gue datengnya tela...
Found this post when I re-read my old blog. Udah lama banget, oktober 2009. Waktu itu malem malem lagi iseng omegle an sama sepupu gue, Ina....

Let me introduce, OSIS Vahana Sisyah Udyoga ca Vidya Vardhanti & MPK Sabha Sisyah Iva Apati Ekartha ! =))) yang ini cuma OSIS nya aja...
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