
"Your problem is none of my business" . Yah mungkin ppl nowadays punya slogan seperti itu ya....

I'm kind of person who rarely shared my own probs, krn gue gak mau orang2 tahu dan ikut campur selain itu gue juga emang ngga ngerti how to tell it all, but kadang ada suatu titik semacam 'problems overload' which is, i cannot hold it all by myself anymore. Jadilah gue mencoba sharing, dengan harapan akan mendapat secercah jalan keluar. Harapannya sih begitu.
But lately it seems lyk....everyone's busy with their own...emang hak mereka sih, gue juga ga berhak nuntut mereka utk duduk manis dengerin gue but seriously.....things are getting even harder everyday. Too many things went across my mind, too many......
Sedih, kesel, marah, capek, sebel. Ya Allah, maafkan hamba-Mu yang terlalu banyak mengeluh ini....permudahkanlah segalanya ya Allah, amin...


Aside struggling with her last year of university, she involved in several non-academics activities including non-profit organization, freelance web-editor and french course. She's still travelling, and wishes to travel more

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