That time when you already feel comfortable with something. Something that already becomes a habit, a part of your day, a part of your life....
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. KSP=[A] ² [B ‑ ²] ¹ (well its my chem textbook) Stretch your left arm o...
Just added new favicon! See it? A tiny image of a little girl in purple background. Ga jelas ye -_- emang ga ada meaning-nya juga sih.....we...

Yep I'm officially going to senior year. Unbelieveable. Rasanya baru kemarin deg-degan bakal masuk SMA mana dengan nem yang cuma 33.50. ...
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By Inas Nadiya Marhayati, 2013. Powered by Blogger.