Hari jumat ini lagi badmood maksimum. Tumbenan loh gue badmood berkepanjangan gini, biasanya seneng mulu bawaannya tapi yep efek samping dar...

My class was asked to make logo for art's assignment, excited!><. Jadi ceritanya kita punya toko gitu dan harus bikin logo at...

One of the films that I got really curious about is Letters to Juliet . I simply love the film, the location (Verona, Italy), the story and...

Dreams and Future, lets talk about it. I'm a 15 y-o-girl (but soon will turn 16!!!). I'm at 2nd year of high school, science class...
Hi there, as I told you before, I like being with you. It was so right until I know that you like being with her, and she likes being with y...

The most important thing in March is : DILIPAT 30th !!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK most of you might be wondering about what DILIPAT is. I'll tell y...
I woke up this morning and just realized that today's April already. How come??? Why do time flies really fast?I didn't even noticed...
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