Happy 22nd day of December for every mommies in da world! lots of love, :*
As I walk to the end of the line I wonder if I should look back To all of the things that were said and done I think we should talk it ove...
"TAURUS WOMAN: She is not a jealous type because she has to know you thoroughly before accepting you in her life. She has more curiosi...

بِسْـــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِالرَّحِيْـــــــمِ
Am I better off dead Am I better off a quitter They say I'm better off now Than I ever was with her As they take me to my local down the...

ini XI A 3 sama kak Rian,ppl biologi. Dia udah selesai ngajar di 54, jumat kemarin tuh terakhir. Terus dia bawain kita donat terus foto foto...
So...... I'm a 2nd a.k.a 11th grader nowwww. Am I happy? No,not really. Sucks. Higher grade also means harder study. Noooo i'm not ...

refilliant . ah, love 'em sooooooo freakin' much! They're incredible. Wuff y'all!!!!
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